About Marie

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I was introduced to Homeopathy 20 years ago thru an integrative care MD I sought out after not being able to find any viable solutions or relief with conventional medicine for myself and my young daughter. He referred us to the homeopath who worked in his office because of the great results he had seen with it in children. Once I saw the effectiveness of Homeopathic treatment with my daughter I became a patient myself and started to learn all I could about it …. and thus began my journey. The more I worked with my homeopath and experienced first-hand the amazing benefits the more I wanted to learn and eventually share this incredible healing modality with others. This led to my enrolling in formal study of Classical Homeopathy study at the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine (Toronto, Canada). I then went on to achieve national board certification in Classical Homeopathy (CCH) through the Council for Homeopathic Certification.

Always searching for the best way to achieve health led me to the BIE system (Bio-Energetic Intolerance Elimination). It helps the body recognize stressors and deal with them accordingly thereby, re-balancing itself to achieve and maintain homeostasis, the necessary state for self-healing.

My goal and greatest desire is to share my knowledge with others to help them restore their health in the most gentle, natural, powerful and permanent way…that is Homeopathy.

